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speakerÇizimthe drawing

speakerLilyLily, Hikmet Hoca'nınof Mr. Hikmet dersindediris in his class. Ders kitabıher textbook masasındaon her desk açıktıris open.
headspeakerLilyLily, ders kitabınato your book resim çizemezsinyou cannot draw!
What comes next?
headspeakerNewhat? Kitaplarımato my books hiç resim çizmemI never draw.
  • Duvarlarato the walls
  • Kitaplarımato my books
  • Yüzümeto my face
speakerOnato her kitabındakithat is in her book komikfunny bira adamman çiziminidrawing gösterirhe shows. Çiziminof the drawing yanındaat its side "Hikmet HocaMr. Hikmet" yazılmıştırwas written.
headspeakerButhis büyük burunlu olanthe one with a big nose ben miyimis it me?
Mr. Hikmet's nose looks small in the drawing.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerEvetyes, amabut benI çizmedimdid not draw (it).
headspeakerSanato you inanmıyorumI do not believe.
Mr. Hikmet seems to think that…
  • …Lily drew a picture of him in her textbook.
  • …Lily took a picture of him.
  • …Lily has never drawn anything before.
headspeakerBunuthis çizenwho drew kişidenthan the person çokmuch daha iyibetter çizebilirimI can draw. Bakınlook.
Select the missing phrase
speakerLilyLily ayağa kalkarstands up veand tahtayato the blackboard doğrutowards yürürshe walks. Hikmet Hoca'yıMr. Hikmet çizmeyeto draw başlarshe starts.
headspeakerEvetyes, burnunuzyour nose iri(is) huge, amabut kulaklarınızyour ears daalso iri(are) huge.
headspeakerDiğerthe other çizimdein the drawing kulaklarınızyour ears yeterinceenough büyükbig değildiwere not.
In Lily's drawing…
  • …Mr. Hikmet doesn't have ears.
  • …Mr. Hikmet's ears are bigger.
  • …Mr. Hikmet's nose is pierced.
speakerLilyLily çizmeyedrawing devam edershe continues.
headspeakerDiğerthe other çizimdein the drawing sakalınızyour beard yeterinceenough uzunlong daalso değildiwas not.
Tap what you hear
speakerÖğrencilerinof the students bazılarıtheir some gülmeyeto laugh başlarlarthey begin.
headspeakerBunato this benzemiyorumI do not look like!
headspeakerTabii kiof course benziyorsunuzyou do! Buthis çizimdrawing diğerindenthan the other one çok daha iyi(is) much better.
headspeakerTamamokay, belkimaybe diğerother çizimithe drawing yapmamışsınyou did not make.
headspeakerAmabut artıknow müdürün odasınato the principal's office gitmekto go zorundasınyou have to.
Uh oh! Why does Lily have to go to the principal's office?
  • She drew beautiful pictures in her textbook.
  • She drew a funny picture of Mr. Hikmet on the blackboard.
  • She drew a picture of huge cats eating pasta.
Tap the pairs