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speakerMwy Omore of Lespace

speakerMaeDoes SergioSergio, ffrind JuniorJunior's friend, yn siaradis talking gyda'iwith his dadhis dad.
headspeakerDw i angenI need swyddjob, tadDad.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerSergioSergio, rwyt ti'nyou are wyth blwydd oedeight years old.
headspeakerNid wyt tiyou don't angenneed swyddjob.
headspeakerRydym ni angenwe need mwy omore of arianmoney.
headspeakerMae gennym niwe have arianmoney, SergioSergio.
headspeakerRydym ni angenwe need mwy omore of arianmoney er mwynto prynubuy newyddnew house.
headspeakerMae'rIs the house hwnthis ynis rhytoo fachsmall.
Choose the option that means "small."
hwn yn .
headspeakerSergioSergio! Nid yw'risn't house hwnthis yn fachis small!
headspeakerAcand rydym ni angenwe need car newyddnew car.
headspeakerOherwyddbecause mae'nit's rhytoo fachsmall.
headspeakerRydym ni angenwe need mwy omore of lespace.
What does Sergio mean?
  • His shoes are too small.
  • The family needs a bigger space.
  • He wants to travel far away.
headspeakerMwy omore of lespace?
headspeakerRydym ni angenwe need llespace ar gyferfor y babithe baby, tadDad!
Choose the option that means "the baby."
Rydym ni angen , !
headspeakerPawhat babibaby?
headspeakerBabi newydd mammom's new baby.
headspeakerMammom! Babibaby?!
headspeakerWyt ti'n iawnare you OK, tadDad?
headspeakerRydym ni angenwe need newyddnew house aand car newyddnew car!
headspeakerAcand wrth gwrsof course, rydym ni angenwe need llawermuch mwy omore lespace!
What did Sergio tell his father?
  • He is going to quit school.
  • His mother is having a baby.
  • He bought a new house.
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