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Het Paspoort
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speakerHetthe Paspoortpassport

speakerVikramVikram enand zijnhis vrouwwife PritiPriti zijnare opat hetthe vliegveldairport.
headspeakerO jeeoh no, waarwhere isis mijnmy paspoortpassport?
headspeakerHet isit's nietnot hierhere!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerHet zitit's nietnot inin mijnmy tasbag
headspeakerEnand het zitit's nietnot inin mijnmy jackjacket
headspeakerHetit ligt's nogstill inin dethe taxitaxi!
Vikram thinks his passport is in the taxi.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
speakerVikramVikram rentruns naar buitenoutside omto look for dethe taxitaxi te zoeken(to look for).
headspeakerVikVik, neeno!
Tap what you hear
speakerPritiPriti rentruns achterachter ... aan: after VikramVikram aanachter ... aan: after.
headspeakerOoh neeno, dethe taxitaxi isis er niet meernot there anymore
headspeakerWatWhat eena rampdisaster!!
headspeakerJeyour paspoortpassport ligt nietis not inin dethe taxitaxi.
headspeakerJeyou hebthave jeyour paspassport inin jeyour handhand
Choose the option that means "passport."
headspeakerDankthank jeyou lieverdmy love
Where was Vikram's passport?
  • in the taxi
  • at his house
  • in his hand
Tap the pairs