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Junior Doet Oefeningen
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speakerJuniorJunior Doetis doing Oefeningenexercises

speakerJuniorJunior isis aan het gamenplaying video games.
headspeakerWil jeyou want to do een beetjea little trainenexercising, JuniorJunior?
headspeakerNeeno, ikI wilwant gamento play video games.
Junior wants to exercise.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
speakerEddyEddy heefthas eenan ideeidea.
headspeakerWil jeyou want naarto go to dethe videogamewinkelvideo game store?
headspeakerKun jeCan you(look for) mijnmy portefeuillewallet zoeken(to look for)? HijIt ligtis inin mijnmy slaapkamerbedroom.
What's next?
speakerJuniorJunior rentruns naar bovenupstairs omin order to (look for) dethe portefeuillewallet te(to zoekenlook for).
  • Dethe portefeuillewallet
  • DeThe videogamewinkelvideo game store
  • Dethe kassabonreceipt
headspeakerHierhere is hijit is, papadad!
headspeakerEnand kun jecan you naar de keuken gaango to the kitchen enand mijn sleutels zoeken?look for my keys
Choose the option that means "keys."
speakerJuniorJunior rentruns omto de sleutels te zoekenlook for the keys.
headspeakerHierHier zijnthey zeare.. Latenlet we's gaango!
headspeakerIkI heb mijn jack nodigneed my jacket.
headspeakerHetit hangtis(hanging) inin VikramVikram zijn's flatapartment.
headspeakerMaarbut VikramVikram woontlives opon dethe bovenstetop verdiepingfloor
Wait… who lives on the top floor?
  • Vikram
  • Junior
  • Eddy
headspeakerAlsjeblieftplease, JuniorJunior
speakerJuniorJunior gaatleaves, enand komt terugreturns metwith EddyEddy zijn's jackjacket.
Junior leaves and then he comes back with…
  • …Eddy's jacket.
  • …Eddy's chair.
  • …a frog.
headspeakerPerfectperfect! Wewe kunnencan gaango!
headspeakerMaarbut nunow ben ikI am heelvery moetired.
headspeakerHoezowhy? Tetoo veelmuch getraindexercise?
  • …tricked Junior into getting some exercise.
  • …gave Vikram his jacket.
  • …played video games with Junior.
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