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No Supermercado
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speakerNoat the Supermercadosupermarket

speakerLinLin estáis noat the supermercadosupermarket com awith BeaBea.
headspeakerEuI não querodon't want cozinharto cook.
Lin can't wait to cook dinner.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerCozinhar écooking is muitovery divertidofun LinLin!
headspeakerEstouI'm muitovery cansadatired.
headspeakerQueresyou want comerto eat numat a restauranterestaurant, BeaBea?
Lin is tired, so she…
  • …wants to buy some coffee.
  • …wants to eat at a restaurant.
  • …wants to go to bed.
headspeakerNãono! EuI querowant cozinharto cook!
headspeakerOK… O quewhat precisamoswe need para cozinharin order to cook?
Choose the option that means "we need."
headspeakerNóswe precisamosneed de massapasta.
speakerElasThey procuramlook pelafor the massapasta.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerAhoh A massa está aquithe pasta is here.
headspeakerEand também precisamoswe also need dea tomatetomato
Tap what you hear
speakerElasthey procuramlook for pelothe tomatetomato.
headspeakerAhoh! Othe tomatetomato estáis aquihere.
headspeakerEand também precisamoswe also need de vegetaisvegetables.
headspeakerAhhohh... eand leitemilk.
headspeakerEand pãobread...
headspeakerPrecisamoswe need de muitasmany coisasthings BeaBea.
headspeakerSimyes, eand euI estouam muitovery cansadatired.
headspeakerQueresyou want comerto eat numat a restauranterestaurant?
headspeakerSimyes, por favorplease!
Why did Bea agree to eat at a restaurant?
  • The supermarket was closed.
  • She was too tired to cook.
  • The supermarket didn't have any rice.
Tap the pairs